Guest Post: Adding affordable housing to South Linden This post was authored by KCG-Ascent Ventures to explain their proposal to add new affordable housing to South Linden and help illuminate the complex processes behind developing new housing in Central Ohio. Photos from the current site, an industrial and waste-processing facility In response to the overwhelming…… Continue reading Guest Post: Adding affordable housing to South Linden
Category: Housing
Be careful how you voice your support for housing
Do you support more housing…but have one of these common concerns? True story: we need more housing. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good, and be careful how you voice support. Find more awesome pro-housing and pro-neighbors swag here:
Harrison West: Once home to 7,500 people—now about 3,500.
Harrison West: Once home to 7,500 people—now about 3,500. Neighbors for More Neighbors—Columbus is excited to learn of the addition of new housing units in historic Harrison West, an important downtown neighborhood that has experienced enormous change over the past century. A plan to convert a 1927 building at 875 Michigan Avenue to residential use…… Continue reading Harrison West: Once home to 7,500 people—now about 3,500.
Guest Post: Density on Parsons
I am your density. This is a guest post authored by Brian Higgins, Executive Director of the Parsons Avenue Redevelopment Corporation. Let us know if you’re interested in authoring a guest blog post that aligns with our values! When the Parsons Avenue Redevelopment Corporation (PARC) was created in 2014, it was done with the intent…… Continue reading Guest Post: Density on Parsons
N4MN Supports the ‘Housing for All’ Legislative Package
N4MN Supports the ‘Housing for All’ Legislative Package at Columbus City Council As an expression of our support building more housing to accommodate new neighbors throughout Central Ohio. We also recently expressed our support for the housing legislative package proposed by Councilperson Shayla Favor. The package consists of the following components: (1) Source-of-income discrimination protections;…… Continue reading N4MN Supports the ‘Housing for All’ Legislative Package
Support more housing at this prime South Side location!
Support more housing at this prime South Side location! The Pizzuti Company proposes to build 256 housing units on the site of the former Giant Eagle on Whittier Street. Once a suburban-style grocery store with a massive parking lot, the site will soon be home to hundreds of new neighbors. Take an opportunity to voice…… Continue reading Support more housing at this prime South Side location!
If you don’t want new neighbors, then where should people move to?
If you don’t want new neighbors, then where should people move to? When new residential projects are proposed, many opponents claim there are too many people already, traffic is too bad, school districts can’t absorb more children, etc. But we can’t deny that Central Ohio is growing. We are growing due to expanding families and…… Continue reading If you don’t want new neighbors, then where should people move to?
Decades of Restrictive Zoning Helped Create our Housing Shortage
Decades of Restrictive Zoning Helped Create our Housing Shortage Historically, American cities had realities that created a low quality of life for many residents. Industrial pollution, overcrowding, lack of capital improvements, and substandard housing were some of the most problems that made many neighborhoods unpleasant places to live. In an effort to improve the quality…… Continue reading Decades of Restrictive Zoning Helped Create our Housing Shortage
If we care about housing affordability, why do we support market-rate development?
If we care about housing affordability, why do we support market-rate development? Simply put, Neighbors for More Neighbors—Columbus (N4MN) supports building more housing. All types of housing: public, private, subsidized, senior, supportive, condos, apartments, and more. Over time, building more housing—especially smaller housing—will help reduce housing costs, or at least keep them from rising as…… Continue reading If we care about housing affordability, why do we support market-rate development?
We support housing for people—not for cars.
We support housing for people—not for cars. In a city where more than 5,000 homeless individuals were served by the Community Shelter Board in just one year, building housing for people should take priority over building housing for personal vehicles. When you think about it, aren’t garages just little houses for personal vehicles? While they…… Continue reading We support housing for people—not for cars.